Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cream of Wheat for the Sick

So it seems flu season has hit our campus with a bang. Our health center just sent out an email informing everyone that 25 people were diagnosed yesterday with influenza. Well, my poor roommate, Bethany, seems to be feeling ill, so I sent her to bed and told her she couldn't go to class today. Instead of running far away from her germ infested body, I immediately started thinking about what to make her for dinner? I turned into Mother Lolo...something that is becoming all too familiar now. What do people want when they are sick? Maybe some tomato soup and grilled cheese, or rice with butter and salt. But then there's Cream of Wheat...

Oh Cream of Wheat, how you sooth my soul. I love you so much I could drink you in a mug, or spoon you out of a bowl, preferably with a huge chunk of butter on top. Bethany, whether you like it or not, you WILL be consuming the Cream of Wheat I make for you tonight.

The recipe I have grown so fond of is from a close, close friend back at home in Malibu, Sasha Crescentini. What's nice about it is that it's simple and very convenient to make because all the ingredients consist of stuff that usually is lying around. So much flavor is added to that plain old stuff  in the box, why not switch over to this and sweeten up your life? Whenever I would go over to Sasha's house after school, we would make this together and eat it by the buckets. Trust me it's well worth it and it might just become one of those recipes that reminds YOU of home.

Oh and also, please disregard the Instant Cream of Wheat in the picture. I would never use this stuff but Bethany bought it on accident. Always go with the regular kind. What does an extra 5 minutes do to ya?

The Recipe:

1) Vanilla Extract
2) Cream of Wheat
3) Maple Syrup
4) Brown Sugar
5) Cinnamon
6) Milk (or Half & Half)
7) Butter


Boil 1 1/2 cups of water with a couple drops of vanilla extract. Then add 3/4 cup of Cream of Wheat and whisk into the water. Add a little molasses if you have any but I usually stick to the maple syrup, then drizzle the maple syrup, brown sugar and however much cinnamon you want! I know I'm not supplying measurements but that's because this is supposed to be a bowl of perfection, so make it with however much you want! The great thing about this, is if your not a fan of any ingredient, leave it out or add more stuff in. Keep tasting it until you've mastered the perfect concoction.

As it thickens add the milk till it becomes the consistency you like. (If too watery, let it cook down on medium to low heat). Keep whisking and then serve with a dollop of butter right on top. MMMMmmmmmmMMMmmmm.

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